Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dear Gabe,
Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful little boy. I am looking at this picture of you with your cousin Katie and I am tearing up - again at the thought of how much I love you. You were such a good boy today. It was an absolute joy to sit back and watch you play with your cousins. Watching you with your family is always something I like to do. You're a Herrman. I can see it when you play. I can see it in the faces you make and the things you say. I can see it in your sense of humor. You have that playful mischieviousness about you that your Daddy has. You just fit, Gabe. You were meant to be a part of our family.

I'm so thankful, Gabe. I'm thankful that your extended family has always loved you and has welcomed you into this family, holding nothing back from the very beginning. I never imagined our extended families would do anything but love you, but it's a hundred times more amazing than I imagined. Watching you call everyone by name today made me stop and think, "Wow. This is his family and he loves them. He wants to chase Katie. He wants to be right next to Braden when he's playing video games. This is his FAMILY."

It continues to amaze me that God knew all of this. He knew you were meant to be with us. He knew that I would be capable of opening my heart completely to a child I wasn't able to carry. He knew he could prepare your birth mom to let you go and know you'd be loved. He knew when I didn't know. He knew when I doubted and thought I'd never be a mother. He knew. I'm so thankful today that He knew what I didn't know.

I'm thankful today for your birth mom. I have been thinking a lot about her today. I don't know if she'll ever be able to comprehend the joy that she has brought into my life. I've seen her with you Gabe and you have brought her that same joy. She is proud of you and so am I. I'm thankful that you have two families who love you more than words can ever say.

Happy Thanksgiving, Gabe Douglas.

All My Love,