Saturday, January 10, 2009

Almost 2

It's so hard to believe it, but Gabe will be two years old on Wednesday. It seems like a lifetime ago that he became a part of our family. It seems like forever ago when this little boy was placed in my arms. Here are a few more photos:

Here, Gabe is 2 days old. We are at the hospital with him just taking in each moment with him. We had to remember that at any time, his birthmom could change her mind and decide to parent him, but we fell in love immediately. We couldn't not love this boy from the moment we saw him. He used to look for us in the hospital room. It's almost like he knew right away that we would be a family.

Here he is at 2 weeks old. Just starting to lose some of the blond hair he was born with. He was already starting to smile. He was already fulfilling every expectation and more of how it would feel to be a family. He made our house completely different. Our dog was a different member of the family now. Greg and I were changed. We were now "Mom & Dad" and no longer "Greg and Bri".

And, here he his on his first birthday morning. We made him his favorite breakfast at the time - pancakes with maple syrup bits. He was so cute, wasn't he? Still had some of that baby fat, still didn't have some hair... :o) He was so adorable. He was walking on his first birthday and already talking a little. I remember going all out for his birthday - not because I wanted to spoil him... I don't think spoiling is intentional - I just think you want it all for your kids. You just want them to have everything and be happy. I remember feeling really proud of him at his birthday and I remember watching him and thinking "wow... you are so perfect, so wonderfully made... So everything I had ever imagined and more."

Now, in 4 days, my baby boy is going to be 2 years old. I still just look at him and wonder how Greg and I could be so very blessed. I really believe when you have a heart's desire God will fulfill it. And, when He does, it's bigger and better than you could have ever dreamed. It surpasses all expectations of how wonderful you imagine it could be. I am truly thankful. Thankful.

My son wanted a hug and kiss in Walmart today. I noticed people walking by and either smiling widely or chuckling at how cute he was. He gives me a kiss and then he'll say "Ah Hug, Mommy!" Isn't that enough to make your heart spill over? I'm so thankful.


Stephanie said...

happy birthday to gabe!!

Billie Jo Henson said...

Happy Birthday Gabe! Im sure there will be lots of cute pictures of presents and cake eating!