Ever since Gabe was really, really little, every time he had a bottle he would rub his ears. He still does this. Now, he multi-tasks - he holds the bottle with one hand and skillfully switches hands when the other ear needs a rubbing. It is still just as cute now as it was then. Caleb's Mommy suggested that I get photos of this, and I just had to. I don't want to ever forget this little "just Gabe detail".
Every once in a while, he will reach up and grab my ears or his daddy's ears for comfort. In doing that, he has found my earrings. I have lost every earring that I've put in my left ear. I have no idea where they are going. I always check Gabe just to make sure he hasn't grabbed them, but he never has them. They just disappear.
So, on my Christmas list this year, I told my hubby, new earrings, PLEASE!
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