Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Dog's Life

Do you ever think about what a dog thinks about when there's a baby in the house? Not just any baby, but a Gabey baby? A baby that likes to "ride" Jinx when ever she's sitting. A baby that likes to pull on her ears. A baby that doesn't ever let her just sleep?

I feel bad. Guilty is more like it. We have not been good about giving Jinxi some undivided attention. She used to be "it". I mean, before we had a child, while we were going through infertility, she was really a comfort to us. She filled a void that we felt. I remember one night after our miscarriage, Greg didn't know it, but I went in the nursery, laid on the floor and just cried. I cried and cried. Jinxi came in there and laid right next to me. Just thinking about her loyalty and her empathy, well, it makes me feel guilty.

This poor dog has had her world turned upside down. For the most part, she is handling it very well, with only the occasional snip, but it has to be hard.

I love this dog. She has been a part of our family. She has comforted us, she has brought us laughter, and she has loved us, unconditionally. Maybe we need to remember that more often.