This morning, Gabe started saying "Tractor"! It was so cute. His vocabulary now includes: Mama, Dada, Papa, Tractor, Diaper (Bi-per), & ball. Sometimes he'll say Bye Bye, but not very often. His sign language now includes: More, please, thank you, good (he just claps his hands together one time) & milk. It's hard to believe he's 15 months old already.
Monday night, Gabe's birth family is coming over to visit. I'm very excited to see them. I always like to see their reactions when they see Gabe for the first time in 3 months. It seems like he changes so much between the times that they see him. I always struggle with what to fix when they come over for dinner. Even though I don't have to, I still want to impress them. I probably shouldn't worry about it, but I do! Even though they don't have to, I want them to really like me. I am pretty sure they already do, but I guess I just need the reassurance. I know they're happy with the decision they made and I know we couldn't be happier with Gabe in our family. I'm just so thankful to her. So very, very thankful. She gave me the gift of being a mommy to a wonderful, happy, intelligent little boy. I hope each time we see them, she can tell how happy she has made me. I also hope that she can see that Gabe is happy.
Well, I promise to do a better job blogging this week. I apologize for my absence!
Kisses from Jinxi
Kissing Papa's Picture
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