Thursday, April 24, 2008

The First of Many

I have a feeling this will be the first of many times that my tub sees dirty little boy hands like these. Gabe had just come in from playing outside all day. Actually, he didn't "just come inside". It took dragging, bribing, and Daddy strength to get this little bugger to come in the house. He just loves - loves loves loves - being outside. He's already taking 4-wheeler rides with Papa, learning how to change gears on the machinery, and running around in the yard chasing the dog. He's just growing up so fast. I love this little guy so much. How he has the energy though, I have NO idea! I need some of that! I've been dragging this week... It's been a busy one. It's 11:30 and Gabe's Mom is headed to bed. I don't even care if the bed bugs bite.