This Blog Entry brought to you by Gabe:
I was really getting frustrated because Mommy wouldn't let me go out there. I couldn't see all that I wanted to see out the window. So, once I finally fussed enough, Mommy took me outside. Guess what I tried to eat?! DIRT! It was yummy and I wanted more, but Mommy said "no". I don't know why I couldn't have it! Daddy also showed me what an earthworm was! I got to hold it and I wasn't afraid at all! Mommy screamed, but I thought it was fun! Here's a picture of me and my pile of dirt:
And, finally, a picture of me picking the head off of a dandielion for my mommy - to make up for the worm:

So, yesterday, something really exciting happened. Daddy & Uncle Dan tore out the concrete in our backyard to make room for our new patio. I REALLY wanted to be out there with the Dingo to help them work, but Mommy thought it'd be too dangerous. SO, Mommy and I stood in the bathroom and watched the guys work:

Hi there, I was clicking through some blogs today and came upon yours. You have a touching story and a wonderful way with words. I love your photography too! We are also in IL. (peoria)
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