- Took Jenny & Rene's engagement pictures today... you can see more of them here.
- When we ask Gabe to say Gabe Douglas, he says "Baby Dud-das"
- I have a super wonderful husband that watched Gabe while I went to take the photos today.
- In April my parents will be married for 30 years. crazy.
- Gabe can say Hakuna Matata (HaKuKu Atata)
- Gabe calls any figures (Care Bears, Lion King figures, etc) his "guys"
- Do not ask Gabe to say "clock" or "chalk". You might be offended.
- Today is Tamilamadingdong's birthday - Shout out, friend!
- Had Baby Bull's cream of chicken soup tonight for supper... yum.
- Had french fries thrown at my head tonight by my son.
- I love Facebook.
- Gabe has decided just recently that he doesn't like to sleep in the crib anymore... I think our next purchase is a twin bed.
Seriously, I gotta go to bed...
But, wait... I would like to share a photo of Gabers:
Good Night!
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