We tried out a new church today. It really felt good to be back in church. I have to admit we have not been good about taking Gabe to church. It just seems so much easier to sleep in on Sundays and have a lazy day. But, as his parents, it is our responsibility to teach him about God. We enjoyed the church we visited today, I'm just not sure its "the one". I think its worth another visit though. I really dislike church "shopping". I miss our old church home. It's where I thought we'd raise our family. Things don't always turn out the way you plan...
Gabe has had a great weekend. He stayed with Grandma H Friday night while me & Daddy enjoyed a football game. Saturday, he went shopping with Grandma S, Aunt Ne, & me. He was such a good boy! I was thrilled because I got him 2 pairs of pj's at the Disney store and 3 shirts at the Gap! It was a bargain day!
I'm happy to say that I think I ended up with some "winner" pics for Dan's senior pictures. I have been really anxious about this. I love photography, but it seems like the more I learn, the less I know! The possibilities are just endless. I am always seeing other peoples' ideas thinking "why didn't I think of that?? Here are a couple "winners":

I guess these are pretty good for a beginner. Practice, practice, practice!
I just realized this entry is really long! I apologize to anyone reading this! It's a rarity that my son is in bed at 8:30, so I'm taking advantage of being on the computer! Tuesday, Gabe's birth family is coming to visit at our house. I'm really looking forward to seeing them again. It's amazing how easy it is talk to them - not even a year ago, we were strangers. Now, we are linked together forever by a child. It truly has been an amazing experience. I really look forward to a great evening together. I'm sure this will be the most Gabe's changed to them yet. He's all over the place! I can't wait for them to see his personality either.
I am smiling now as I think of just how blessed we are for all of this to have worked out.
hey bri! dan's pics look great! you are an amazing photographer! you'll have to teach me some of your skills sometime :o) i really enjoyed seeing you all at gabe's party a couple of weeks ago, though i really miss hanging out. i've been keeping up on the office and i must say i've become quite addicted....i bought the third season last week and i love it! we'll all have to catch up when i come home next :o) i miss you all!
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