Ok, so I know wrapping presents isn't really a tradition specific to our family, but it was one of "those moments" you wait for when desiring to become a parent. We didn't have power yesterday because some of the electrical in our house was being fixed - or torn out - long story... So, we decided to wrap presents! It was too fun.

- Christmas Cookies & Baking Day
- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation must be viewed on Thanksgiving
- Kirby Kisses
- Christmas Eve - our designated time to celebrate Christmas together
- Fondue
- Celebrating Nana's birthday at Jay & Missy's Christmas day - unfortunately Greg and I don't ever make it to this ... we have my family's side's Christmas then.
Bri's Family
- Breakfast Casserole
- Staying the night Christmas Eve - although now that we have our family, we will stay at home and spend Christmas morning with Gabe under our own tree
- White Elephant Gift Games
- Grandma Chambers' pink jello & Aunt Margaret's Mona's Ravioli
To think that Gabe is going to grow up with these memories just warms my heart. I am so happy that he has three families (ours and his birth family) that love him so much. Speaking of his birth family, we will be getting together in January to celebrate Christmas and Gabe's first birthday. According to the arrangement we made, visits were to occur every 3 months and one phone call per month for the first year. Because we enjoy spending time together, we've decided to just keep that arrangement as long as it continues to work out for both families.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm so glad that we've decided to have an open adoption. I think about Gabe's birthmom every single day. I do. I always wonder, "what is she doing right now?" "Is she missing him right now?" I feel so much better knowing that she's doing ok. I don't think I could bear not knowing what happened to the special, brave woman who allowed us to be her child's parents.
Well, "somebody" just woke up from his nap. I'd better go get the little boy that puts a smile on my face every single day.
hey bri!! I feel like Mac and Gabe could be great troublemakers together and it will have to either be you or jordan telling them no because il probably think its pretty hilarious. Anywho we would love to do another photoshoot, jordan mentioned it herself the other day and she really has expanded alot since youve seen her last. So ya def plan on that, we will see you in a few days!
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