"There was a little boy named, Gabe. He had so many people in his life that loved him and cared about him..."
Last night, my little toddler did something he doesn't do very much any more... he cuddled with me. It was right before bedtime and he'd just finished his "ba" and we were sitting on the couch. I thought it was the perfect time to lightly rub his cheek and tell him his adoption story. The beginning of this blog is how it started out. I told him that we loved him so much and that we care so much for his birth family. I named so many people that love him and care about him from both families as well as all of our dear friends.
Gabe just laid there looking up at me so intently. I stopped rubbing his cheek and he did the sweetest thing... He took ahold of my hand and put it back on his cheek and not near as smoothly started rubbing his cheek. Oh, I love this little boy. It makes me tear up right now just thinking about it. It makes me forget that he woke up at 4:30 this morning and fell back to sleep 5 minutes before my alarm went off. It makes me forget that he kicks his feet when we change his diaper. It makes me forget waking up at 2:00 a.m. to get a bottle.
It reminds me, however, that I am this little, wonderful boy's Mommy. The kisser of owies, the calmer of cries, the one he reaches for when I drop him off at the sitters, the one who loves him so much it hurts, the one who teaches him how to say his prayers. What a wonderful gift to have moments like this that remind us of how incredibly amazing being a mommy is. Sure, there are hard, back-breaking moments, but oh those little ones that touch our hearts have such a stronger impact. I love being a mommy. I am so thankful that God fulfilled the desire of my heart - it was worth every minute of the wait.

That is a moment you'll never forget. What a sweet little boy.
Being a mom is tough, but it is SO worth it!
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