Well, unfortunately, the flu has struck our household yet again. This time, Gabe's mom has it. Greg has been fantastic in helping out. I stayed home from work today and slept. That is pretty much all I did. Sleep. I do have 2 updates though:
Gabers has tooth #9! What a relief! His nose hasn't been running as much and he just seems to be in an all around good mood!
Also, Gabe's Easter present arrived in the mail yesterday:

I ordered Gabe these adorable little animals
here. I first saw them when I visited my cousin's baby's website. They live in Rome, so I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to get them in the US, but I did a search for them and there are quite a few places online you can order them from. Now, I want them all! I just think they are the coolest. I am going to have to hold on to them for a while because they're really not meant for kids under 3. Gabe's loves to bite things, so I don't want him trying to bite any of the wood pieces off. I got him the farm set, along with the aligator, the lion, and the ape. They're not too badly priced. But, Gabe's Dad gave me a limit (which is a good thing to do... I love shopping for Gabe), so I'll have to buy one here and there with fun money. I hope Gabe will love them as much as I do! Here's the Jungle ones:

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