Monday, March 3, 2008

Imperfect - and that's ok

I really like this picture of Gabe. You don't even have to look very closely to see that it really isn't a great shot:
  1. It's blurry.
  2. Gabe's hair looks like he just woke up and it's getting long! We might have that first haircut soon!
  3. There's drool all down the front of his shirt - that next tooth's gotta come soon!
  4. His eyes look so tired!
  5. His nosey is a boogery, gooey mess

However, the kid is smiling. He's HAPPY. And that, absolutely, absolutely makes my day. So, the picture's not perfect and Gabe's not in his Sunday best, but he's mine and he's happy. That's all I can ask for! Nothing is more perfect for me.