Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1st Haircut

Look at this little stinker. Last Friday, Daddy and I took him for his first ever haircut. It's kind of weird to think that this is the hair he's had since he's been born. There wasn't too much to cut off, but Fergie did a great job. He cut my little brother's hair for the first time too. There's been a lot of first haircuts in that chair.

All in all, Gabe did pretty well. He had to sit on Daddy's lap and we had to break out the fruit snacks and ba ba to keep him still, but it worked.
Then, when we got outside, Gabe's Mom wanted some pics by the nostalgic barber pole (no, not Gabe's Mom!) The little stinker returned...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Somebody's been a good boy!

Gabe got a new playset this weekend from Mommy & Daddy and the grandparents. We were so happy that we were able to find such an awesome one at Sam's Club. For the right price, this one had all the bells and whistles. We wanted to get something he would grow in to. We didn't want to waste a couple of hundred dollars on something he may only play with for a year. This one is awesome because it has a playhouse built in. And, his Daddy, his Papa & PawPaw, his Uncle Dan, and his Uncle Grant helped build it for him! The guys worked so hard today and really got most of it done. Here are a few more pics:

Holy crap... what have I gotten myself into?

Early in the day

Hey guys, I got the next piece!

Gabe & PaPa

Um, guys, did you forget about me?
So, it's been a pretty good weekend for this big boy! All the guys did a fantastic job and Gabe is just thrilled with it so far! He loves the slide and he can already climb the ladder. Why, oh why, did we buy our little daredevil such a big boy swingset? We're going to need to stay on our toes...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daddy's Boy

Yep, I'm pretty much chopped liver right now. But, hey when you see those two guys together -it's ok. Daddy, welcome home.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


This Blog Entry brought to you by Gabe:

So, yesterday, something really exciting happened. Daddy & Uncle Dan tore out the concrete in our backyard to make room for our new patio. I REALLY wanted to be out there with the Dingo to help them work, but Mommy thought it'd be too dangerous. SO, Mommy and I stood in the bathroom and watched the guys work:

I was really getting frustrated because Mommy wouldn't let me go out there. I couldn't see all that I wanted to see out the window. So, once I finally fussed enough, Mommy took me outside. Guess what I tried to eat?! DIRT! It was yummy and I wanted more, but Mommy said "no". I don't know why I couldn't have it! Daddy also showed me what an earthworm was! I got to hold it and I wasn't afraid at all! Mommy screamed, but I thought it was fun! Here's a picture of me and my pile of dirt:

And, finally, a picture of me picking the head off of a dandielion for my mommy - to make up for the worm:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's a Boy

Have I mentioned that I am now raising a BOY??? No longer a baby boy. Nope, no way. This little guy is all boy, all the time. He's constantly into dirt, tools, trucks, tractors, loaders, etc... He's not afraid of any of it. I do love this picture of him - a little boy, worn out from a tough day.

Gabe's Papa Doug likes to take him for 4-wheeler rides, truck rides, and bobcat rides. Gabe thinks he can steer and push buttons and pull levers. Papa loves it. I remember my little brother doing stuff like this too. It's awesome to have a little boy. It's also terrifying. Gabe has no fear and that's a very scary thing! He so loves to be outside. Daddy takes him out while they wait for me to get home from work and getting him in the house is like pulling teeth. One of his favorite things to do right now is play in the back of Daddy's truck (he has a topper). I never wanted a truck with a topper, but I'm actually thankful for it. Gabe LOVES the truck. He just runs around in there and begs Daddy to open the windows.

Here are some other new things:

  • Gabe's vocabulary: Dada, Mama, Papa, Tractor (dac-tur), Ball, Baba, Grandma (Abba), Uh 0h (he says Duh oh!) Dan (he says Da) that (Dat)
  • Sign vocabulary: More, Please, Thank you, Milk, Sorry
  • Skills: Throwing a ball (he's great at this!), Waving Bye Bye, Climbing stairs and going back down, running, Standing on toys, Making baskets, putting blocks together, eating with a fork
  • Comprehension: If you "cry" he gives you a hug or kiss, When he does something right, he claps his hands together one time (this is his sign for "good"), He understands when he goes night night that we say prayers and wave bye bye, He waves bye bye when he and Daddy are leaving for the sitter's house, He will sometimes pick up toys with you.
  • Challenges: Coming inside after playing outside with Daddy, Temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way (doesn't happen too often), some hitting issues still, throwing food when he's done eating, climbing to reach desired objects.

He's sure getting big, isn't he? I am just amazed each day at the new things this awesome kid does. I love him so much. I will be going to part time June 2 (!!!!), so I really look forward to having Thursdays and Fridays off to spend with him. I can't wait to take him up to the farm or to the park to play, or to go to the Pumpkin Patch this fall. It's going to be so great.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So, Did Ya Hear?

Somebody totally rocked the house with these awesome shirts for Gabe! Thanks Grandma! LYWUTTS!!

Also, we have a new trick... Last night, Gabe used a fork to eat dinner! It was too cute. He was so proud of himself and he kept on diggin' in. My baby is growing up. He jumped on a trampoline the other night (supervised, of course).

Sometimes, especially when I'm going through Gabe's clothes and putting away the baby blue outfits he's outgrown, I get really sad. I do look forward to each new adventure like talking, riding bikes, etc... But, part of me mourns that cuddly baby stage. Even though I encourage his independence and try and teach him new things, part of me wants him to remain dependent on me. I miss him falling asleep in my arms with his ba ba. (Now I put him in the crib). I miss carrying him around everywhere, even though he was heavy. (Now, he runs all over the house). I think it's natural for moms to feel this way. I was just watching a Tivo'd Dr. Phil and some crazy lady still hadn't let go and let her son grow up ... he was 39 years old and he was still dependent on her. Now, that's an extreme.

I hope for Gabe that he develops a strong sense of independence, even if it means breaking away from me. It may hurt and I may miss those moments, but the more he does on his own and the more he grows, the better adjusted he'll be. I realize that I have quite a few years yet, but there will come a time when he's on his own. When he has a job and a family. God-willing, I'm there to witness it all. I hope that he'll be independent enough to have and enjoy those things, and dependent enough to lean on me when he needs me even then.

I miss those baby moments. But, I am enjoying each and every moment watching him grow and mature into a little boy. He learns new things all the time. He's like a little sponge just taking it all in. It's amazing. I can't stress enough how thankful I am to be a parent to such a wonderful, smart, funny, happy child. God has truly fulfilled the desires of my heart, just as He promised.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We love these guys!

Gabe's Mom had another photo shoot tonight! It was too fun. These guys were all over the place!

This one's a little saturated, but I ran out of time tonight... and out of creativity...

Oh, yeah... and Gabe loves 'em too... - Gabe & the Bug

The Macaroni

And, we met McCarthy last night. He is just too precious for words...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

LOVE this kid.

Just when I think this kid can't get any cuter, he goes and pulls something like this:

I'm sorry, but I really think I have one of THE cutest kids ever born. He was just hamming it up for me. My mom had given me this vintage afghan and I really loved it but didn't know what to do with it at the time. Well, I found Danielle Thompson's blog (she is my FAVORITE scrapbooker) and saw a vintage quilt that she used for a back drop in a photo of her son. Hmmm... I have an old afghan... I should totally do that! So, I called my teacher, and asked for some helpful hints because I really wanted these photos to be awesome. You can see more of them here. The above one has to be my all-time favorite of the Gabinator. I'm pretty proud of this photo. I love it. (Wow... Am I developing self-confidence???) I really wouldn't change a thing about it. Love the back drop, love the old coloring chair, and love the little tongue sticking out.

Ok, I do have to tell you one really funny thing that happened tonight and I SO wish I had taken my camera with me. We took Gabe to the Chinese buffet for supper and he ate very well, so we let him share some ice cream with us. A few bites into it, he grabs his head with both of his hands, gets a funny look on his face, and starts chomping his teeth. He had a brain freeze!! Greg and I were CRACKING up. It was so funny. Don't you wish you could go back and remember your first brain freeze? It's just one of those things you don't really think about. Gabe had to have been wondering, "what the heck?!" It was hilarious.

I've got a busy week, but hang tight loyal readers! I'll try and get a couple of posts in.

Gabe's Mom