Sunday, July 20, 2008

Back from Camping

Love this picture of my little Gabers. This is him at the campground absolutely zonked out from all of the activity. He had so much fun. Both of his Papa's were there, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Rene and Aunt Lindsey were there too. He was a lucky little boy this weekend to have all of that attention. We had such a great time camping with our family this weekend. I'm just so happy that it is something we can do together.

When we were growing up, my parents took all of us on several camping trips for vacation. One of the most memorable ones for me is when we went through Tennessee, Louisiana, and Texas. This was the year my Grandma Smith died and we took my Grandpa with us. We spent Christmas in the camper. I'll never forget seeing the awesome plantations in Georgia, Graceland in Tennessee, Galvaston Island in Texas... it was just awesome. Dad always found neat places for us to visit. I'm so thankful that we will be able to do these kind of trips with Gabe. I have some wonderful memories camping and it's so great to know that we'll be able to give him that too.

While camping, the last couple of weeks, we've noticed that Gabe's vocabulary has really started to increase. He is now saying these words (and I know I'm leaving a few out):

Momma (now also Mommy)
Abba, GaGa (Grandma)
Cookoo (Keeker)
Juice (Juish)
Oh Big Tractor
GiGi (Jinxi)
Love You
Yeah (CheYeah)
Poop (Boop)
Ketchup (Chetchup)

Along with those words he also does animal sounds for a: monkey, cow, horse, dog, cat, lion

He also knows how to point out his body parts: nose, mouth, hair, teeth, weiner (yes, we call it a weiner), fingers, toes, eyes, etc...

He sometimes knows his colors, but that's off and on. We just can't believe how much he picks up. He's so smart! It seems like lately, he's really changed so much.

Wednesday night, we had his birth family out to the campground for a cookout. It's something we've talked about doing since we got the camper. We had a great time with them. The above picture is the frame I painted at the pottery place for Gabe's birth mom's birthday. I do always get a little nervous before seeing them each time - not because of any pressure THEY put on me, but because of unnecessary pressure I put on myself. I worry that they'll think we're trying to be the "perfect parents"... basically I worry that we'll come across as phony or too happy. Well, we are really happy! Once they arrive, I find that all my fears were silly because they never make me feel like that at all. They always make me feel like we're doing a good job. They also do a great job of letting us know that they couldn't be happier in their decision in choosing us. It has all just worked out so well.

I'm so thankful for Gabe's sake (and mine as well) that they have wanted to be a part of his life. He is such a very blessed little boy. I know how much they love him. I could see it in their eyes as they placed him in my arms 18 months ago. But, now, because they've chosen to stay in contact with us, he'll see it too. As his mommy, I am so glad that he will know how many people love him. He will know that he is special - he has more family than most that think he's the top dog. I don't ever want him to doubt how very much he is loved and I know by staying in touch with us that his birth mom doesn't want him to doubt that either. It's not an easy thing to do to see the child that you placed for adoption every three months. It wasn't easy to place him in another home. She has taken the tough road and she has sacrificed for him. I will forever be thankful for her courage, friendship, and gift of motherhood to me.

Well, this post has become way too long, and I'm ready for bed. Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. We've been camping, and well, we were roughin' it! :)