Gabe & his "funny face".

Campin' breakfast - Pancakes & Sausage
(& Ketchup - Gabe'll eat anything with ketchup on it)
Long story short, Gabe and I went back home to sleep (thankfully we are not very far at all from the campground) and Greg stayed at the campsite with the repairman until 12:30. Then, Gabe's Dad was up really early because he couldn't sleep. We all headed back to the campground yesterday morning and enjoyed a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage that Gabe's Dad made. We spent a lot of the day inside the camper playing with Gabe, watching Toy Story, organizing the camper (Greg's parents had furnished the camper and we took some time putting things where we knew we'd find them). Once it cooled off in the late afternoon, we took Gabe to an awesome playground area that was perfect for toddlers. He had a great time but was totally worn out!
Gabe had a blast emptying Jinxi's water dish - onto himself.

After Gabers went to bed, Greg and I enjoyed an awesome campfire and a spectacular sunset. We had the opportunity to just sit and talk - he on his laptop and me playing my handheld Yahtzee game. Greg had music playing lightly and we just sat and talked. Since becoming parents - especially parents to a toddler - our relationship has kinda been put on the back burner. Often times, there isn't time for "us" anymore. So, it was really nice to just sit and talk - to rediscover my best friend. We absolutely crashed once we turned in (with the air conditioning set REALLY COLD) and had a great night's sleep. Gabe was so worn out that he slept all night too. Camping sleep is great.
So, were we roughing it? Ummmm.... air conditioning, laptops, Yahtzee, well.... Maybe not, but hey, if you don't have to, why do it? We had a fantastic weekend as a family and I am so looking forward to many more trips like this one.
PS to Gabe's Dad: Are you cooking something?
PS to Julia: Happy Birthday, Nutroll!

Julia Marie - 7 years old

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