Gabe went to bed at 6:00 tonight. I hope he gets some good rest and doesn't remember that his mommy was one of the "bad guys".
Friday, November 30, 2007
Mommies have a tough job...
Gabe went to bed at 6:00 tonight. I hope he gets some good rest and doesn't remember that his mommy was one of the "bad guys".
Posted by Bri at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Monologues, Not Fun
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Then & Now
Then, we took photos of ourselves outside. I remember this day - Greg would only throw the leaves up every once in a while, very quickly because we lived on a busy street. He didn't want ANYONE seeing him taking silly fall photos with his wife. He was such a good sport. This was actually the day of Hurloween. I remember thinking, "man I hope I get a good photo of Greg. This will probably be the one and only time I can get him to do this! We had a lot of fun that day.
Still, an absolutely fun day. I love that Gabe loves trucks and tractors (and lawn mowers). My two guys. My boys. My family. I'm so blessed to have them both.
Posted by Bri at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: Daddy Dish, Gabe's Parents, Say Cheese
Sunday, November 25, 2007
This time of year is always hard for me. Even though I think about our child that we lost to miscarriage everyday, it's especially hard now. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I think about what might have been with that child. I miss our child even though we never met. I also think about how God can see the tapestry of our lives while all we see are the threads that make it up. He knew that Gabe was meant to be in our family. Had I given birth to our biological child, we would not have Gabe. It's not a trade - I just wish I could have them both. They are both my children; one I have been able to raise and nurture and the other, I will always have in my heart.
This is Gabe's first Christmas. This thought has brought me so much joy. We are able to share our first Christmas as a family together. I do not take these days for granted. I love Gabe so much. Here is a picture of him in the jammies Nana got him:Christmas is a time of joy - the birth of our Savior, time with friends & family, presents, snow, etc... I am full of joy to be Gabe's mom. I am thankful, so very thankful, that he is my son.
Posted by Bri at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adoption Thoughts, Baby Firsts, Infertility, Mommy Monologues, Prayers
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy 1st Thanksgiving!
All of the cousins posing for Nana... I think it took 20+ takes to get this one!
- Gabe's birthmom - she trusts us to raise him as our son.
- Gabe - my wonderful, curious, handsome son.
- Greg - the leader of our household, the most wonderful man and I am blessed to be married to him.
- Our families - both of our families are close with one another. We are so fortunate.
- My Faith - without grace and love from my Savior, I truly would not have made it through the ups and downs I've experienced in my lifetime so far. I have also known joy that only comes through salvation.
- My job - I'm able to work and help provide for my family.
- My friends - I have been so blessed to have friends that love me for who I am.
There are just so many things. My list could go on and on. Sometimes I think about the fact that we are born where we're meant to be. I mean, I was born here in the US, to my parents, who are Christians, who are hard-working, who love eachother, etc... I'm so fortunate. I think of the people who grow up in homes where the parents hate eachother. Or, children who never know a parent's love - those who grow up in orphanages with no hugs or kisses. That could have very easily have been me. God placed me in the family and life he wanted for me. I guess sometimes we need to step back and realize when things are hard, when money's tight, when clothes don't fit, when we're tired...
We're really blessed.
Posted by Bri at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Photo Op
I was so fortunate today to be able to take some photos of the Lyonses first grandchild (in the womb). I had so much fun and I'm continuing to get practice! I love the idea of a heart made out of the parents' hands with the baby in the middle. I also added a Bible verse:
I also got these:

Posted by Bri at 5:53 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Fall Fun & Fabulous Friends

Posted by Bri at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Well, I got a second round at senior pictures! One of my co-workers asked if I would take her son's senior pictures. Would I? Heck yes!! I had so much fun. The above one is one of my favorites. Here's a link to see the rest:

I also had some time on Friday to take Gabe outside for some fall pics. That was fun too! He's just too cute.
Posted by Bri at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Falcon Pride!
When my brother was 9, he and my two sisters were in a near fatal car accident. No one knew if Dan & Aunt Ne would survive. Thankfully, Lindsey had only minor injuries. As we look on at him out on the field and see all he has accomplished, we are just so thankful that God blessed us with him. It's hard to believe he's already a senior. He's had a fantastic year - something to be proud of. He's made a lot of memories and I'm just thrilled for him.
Today, we took Gabe to the mall to start our Christmas shopping - or so we thought! We didn't get much Christmas shopping done, but we did get some new Sa-Weet pillows for our bed and a few things on the sale rack at Baby Gap. I LOVE Baby Gap - I wish I could buy all the new stuff they've got out!
I can't end the post without a pic of the Gabraham:

As Grandma Smith always says, "Ain't he cute?"
Posted by Bri at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
Baby + Hat = Tantrum
Ok, here's a nice little story about a boy and his mom going to the park to swing. Aww, look at this handsome little man enjoying the swings!

Whatdya gonna do? This parenting thing is challenging! But then, tonight, we went to Walmart...
Posted by Bri at 10:48 PM 0 comments